Aberdare National Park, Kenya

Located in central Kenya around 160 kilometers from Nairobi by road, ii stretches a hundred kilometers north to south within the third highest mountain range in Kenya. The Aberdare National Park is covers the higher areas of the Aberdare mountain range which is an isolated volcanic range that formed on the eastern end of the Great Rift Valley


Wildlife present in the protected area include lion, leopard. elephant, East African wild dog. giant foresthog. bushbuck. mountain reed buck. waterbuck. Cape buffalo. suni, side-striped jackal. eland. duiker,olive baboon, black and while colobus monkey, and Sykes monkey. Rarer sightings include those of the African golden cat and the bongo. Species such as the common eland. serval live in the higher moorlands.


Game drives. Bird watching. Terrain walks.