Taita Hills Sanctuary, Kenya

The Taita Hills Wildlife Conservancy derives its name from the surrounding clusters of hills and is an integral part of the Eastern Arc forests classified as an biodiversity hotspot. The conservancy covers an area of 28,000 acres of mosaic habitat where the plant physiognomy is riverine forest, savanna wood and grassland. The vegetation formation is usually dense, stratified and always dominated by Acacia / Commiphora trees and may appear to be evergreen in wet areas such as in the central lowlands of the sanctuary.


It hosts cape buffalo, African bush elephant, leopard, lion, cheetah, Masai giraffe, zebra, hartebeest, impala, waterbuck, Thomson’s gazelle, lesser kudu, dik-dik, Hyena, and other smaller animals, including a diversity of birdlife.


• Nature walks and runs. • Game drives. • Bird watching. • Taita Hills WW1 Museum.